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Horoscopes by Rob Brezsny

Week of June 21st, 2007


(May 21-June 20)
We're almost halfway through 2007. It's time to take inventory of how well you're capitalizing on this year's unique opportunities. So let me ask you, Gemini: Are you working hard to heal the indecisiveness that has dissipated your energy in the past? I hope so. You've never had a better chance to unify your divided mind than you have now; you will continue to be the beneficiary of unprecedented help from cosmic forces whenever you make concentrated efforts to coordinate your diverse desires. I urge you to invoke all your ingenuity as you seek out the magic that will make you a virtuoso of variety.

Want a longer, more in-depth PREVIEW of YOUR DESTINY from JULY through DECEMBER 2007? Normally my Expanded Audio Horoscopes cover just a week at a time. But this week, I'm offering you an exploration of the entire next six months.

Go here to listen to my IN-DEPTH, LONG-TERM AUDIO FORECAST for YOUR LIFE during the rest of 2007.

This report is not a repeat of the written horoscope you find here, but is an entirely fresh exploration of your astrological omens designed to help you tune in to your soul's code.

I want you to know exactly who you are and to be able to express that uniqueness in ever-more satisfying ways. It's your birthright!

You can also access the Expanded Audio Horoscopes by phone at 1-877-873-4888.