Free Will Astrology

Horoscopes by Rob Brezsny

Week of January 9th, 2014


(March 21-April 19)
You can blame it on the coming full moon. You can blame it on the gorgeous storm or the epic dream or the haunting song or the suffering you're struggling to vanquish. All I ask is that you don't blame it on the alcohol. OK? If you're going to do wild and brave and unexpected things, make sure they are rooted in your vigorous response to primal rhythms, not in a drunken surrender to weakness or ignorance. I'm all for you losing your oppressive self-control, but not the healthy kind of self-control.


Who do you want to become in 2014? Where do you want to go and what do you want to do? I'm ready to help you muse about the interesting possibilities. This week, my EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPES will feature Part 2 of my long-range, in-depth explorations of your destiny in 2014. Tune in! Start brainstorming about the adventures that could be in store for you in the coming months.

Register and/or log in through the main page, and then click on the link "Long Range Prediction, Part 2."

(P.S. Part 1 of your Long Range Predictions, which I offered last week, is also still available.)


(April 20-May 20)
When is the last time you did an experiment? I'm not talking about scientific tests and trials that take place in a laboratory. I'm referring to real-life experiments, like when you try out an unfamiliar experience to see if it appeals to you . . . or when you instigate a change in your routine to attract unpredictable blessings into your sphere. Now would be an excellent time to expose yourself to a few what-ifs like that. You're overdue to have your eyes opened, your limits stretched, and your mind blown.


What new influences will be headed your way in 2014? What fresh resources will you be able to draw on? How can you make best use of these influences and resources? This week, my EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPES will feature Part 2 of my long-range, in-depth explorations of your destiny in 2014. Tune in! Start brainstorming about the adventures that could be in store for you in the coming months.

Register and/or log in through the main page, and then click on the link "Long Range Prediction, Part 2."

(P.S. Part 1 of your Long Range Predictions, which I offered last week, is also still available.)


(May 21-June 20)
To help take the edge off the darkness you have been wrestling with, I offer you these lines from a poem by Kay Ryan: "The day misspent, / the love misplaced, / has inside it / the seed of redemption. / Nothing is exempt / from resurrection." In other words, Gemini, whatever has disappeared from your life will probably return later in a new form. The wrong turns you made may lead you to a fresh possibility. Is that what you want? Or would you prefer that the lost things stay lost, the dead things stay dead? Make a decision soon.


Do you understand just how much power you have to create the life you want to live in 2014? Are you fully aware of just how much access you have to new resources? This week, my EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPES will feature Part 2 of my long-range, in-depth explorations of your destiny in 2014. Tune in! Start brainstorming about the adventures that could be in store for you in the coming months.

Register and/or log in through the main page, and then click on the link "Long Range Prediction, Part 2."

(P.S. Part 1 of your Long Range Predictions, which I offered last week, is also still available.)


(June 21-July 22)
"Human beings are often unable to receive because we do not know what to ask for," says the writer Malidoma Somé in his book Water and Spirit. "We are sometimes unable to get what we need because we do not know what we want." With that in mind, Cancerian, hear my two pleas: first, that in the next six weeks, you will work diligently to identify the goodies you want most; and second, that you will cultivate your capacity to receive the goodies you want most by refining your skill at asking for them.


Would you like some inspiration as you muse and wonder about your upcoming adventures in 2014? Do you long to slip out of your habitual thoughts about your life and get a more transcendent view? This week, my EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPES will feature Part 2 of my long-range, in-depth explorations of your destiny in 2014. Tune in! Start brainstorming about the adventures that could be in store for you in the coming months.

Register and/or log in through the main page, and then click on the link "Long Range Prediction, Part 2."

(P.S. Part 1 of your Long Range Predictions, which I offered last week, is also still available.)


(July 23-August 22)
Julia Morgan (1872-1957) was the first woman licensed as an architect in California. She designed over 700 buildings in the course of her brilliant career, and thrived both financially and artistically. One key to her success was her humility. "Don't ever turn down a job because it's beneath you," she advised. That's a helpful message for you to hear, Leo. It applies to the work-related opportunities you may be invited to take on, as well as the tasks that your friends, associates, and loved ones ask you to consider. You can't possibly know ahead of time how important it might ultimately be to apply yourself conscientiously to a seemingly small assignment.


What hidden factors will be massaging your destiny in 2014? Could you use some hints about how to prepare for the adventures awaiting you in the next 12 months? This week, my EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPES will feature Part 2 of my long-range, in-depth explorations of your destiny in 2014. Tune in! Start brainstorming about the adventures that could be in store for you in the coming months.

Register and/or log in through the main page, and then click on the link "Long Range Prediction, Part 2."

(P.S. Part 1 of your Long Range Predictions, which I offered last week, is also still available.)


(August 23-September 22)
One of Beethoven's music teachers said, "As a composer, he is hopeless." When Thomas Edison was a kid, a teacher told him he was "too stupid to learn anything." Walt Disney worked at a newspaper when he was young, but his editor fired him because "he lacked imagination and had no good ideas." I'm sure there was a person like that in your past -- someone who disparaged and discouraged you. But I'm happy to report that 2014 will be the best year ever for neutralizing and overcoming that naysayer's curse. If you have not yet launched your holy crusade, begin now.


What will be the story of your life in 2014? How can you exert your free will to create the adventures that'll bring out the best in you, even as you find graceful ways to cooperate with the tides of destiny? This week, my EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPES will feature Part 2 of my long-range, in-depth explorations of your destiny in 2014. Tune in! Start brainstorming about the adventures that could be in store for you in the coming months.

Register and/or log in through the main page, and then click on the link "Long Range Prediction, Part 2."

(P.S. Part 1 of your Long Range Predictions, which I offered last week, is also still available.)


(September 23-October 22)
As a child, French philosopher and writer Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) loved math. But his father, who homeschooled him, forced him to forego math and concentrate on studying the humanities. Blaise rebelled. When he was 12 years old, he locked himself in his room for days and immersed himself in mathematical investigations. When he emerged, he had figured out on his own some of Euclid's fundamental theorems about geometry. Eventually, he became a noted mathematician. I see the coming weeks as prime time to do something like the young Pascal did: Seal yourself away from other people's opinions about who you're supposed to be, and explore the themes that will be crucial for the person you are becoming.


Who do you want to become in 2014? Where do you want to go and what do you want to do? I'm ready to help you muse about the interesting possibilities. This week, my EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPES will feature Part 2 of my long-range, in-depth explorations of your destiny in 2014. Tune in! Start brainstorming about the adventures that could be in store for you in the coming months.

Register and/or log in through the main page, and then click on the link "Long Range Prediction, Part 2."

(P.S. Part 1 of your Long Range Predictions, which I offered last week, is also still available.)


(October 23-November 21)
In 1609, Dutch sea explorer Henry Hudson sailed to America and came upon what we now call Coney Island. Back then it was a barren spit of sand whose main inhabitants were rabbits. But it was eventually turned into a dazzling resort -- an "extravagant playground," according to the documentary film Coney Island. By the early 20th century, there were three sprawling amusement parks packed into its two square miles of land, plus "a forest of glittering electric towers, historical displays, freak shows, a simulated trip to the moon, the largest herd of elephants in the world, and panoramas showing the Creation, the End of the World, and Hell." I mention this, Scorpio, because 2014 could feature your very own Henry Hudson moment: a time when you will discover virgin territory that will ultimately become an extravagant playground.


What are your plans for the coming year? Could you use some more help mapping out your dreams and schemes? This week, my EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPES will feature Part 2 of my long-range, in-depth explorations of your destiny in 2014. Tune in! Start brainstorming about the adventures that could be in store for you in the coming months.

Register and/or log in through the main page, and then click on the link "Long Range Prediction, Part 2."

(P.S. Part 1 of your Long Range Predictions, which I offered last week, is also still available.)


(November 22-December 21)
"If men had wings and bore black feathers, few of them would be clever enough to be crows," said 19th-century social reformer Henry Ward Beecher. That might be an accurate assessment for most people, but I don't think it will be true for you Sagittarians in the foreseeable future. Your animal intelligence will be working even better than usual. Your instinctual inclinations are likely to serve as reliable guides to wise action. Trust what your body tells you! You will definitely be clever enough to be a crow.


Who do you want to become in 2014? Where do you want to go and what do you want to do? I'm ready to help you muse about the interesting possibilities. This week, my EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPES will feature Part 2 of my long-range, in-depth explorations of your destiny in 2014. Tune in! Start brainstorming about the adventures that could be in store for you in the coming months.

Register and/or log in through the main page, and then click on the link "Long Range Prediction, Part 2."

(P.S. Part 1 of your Long Range Predictions, which I offered last week, is also still available.)


(December 22-January 19)
Can you guess what combination of colors makes the most vivid visual impact? Psychologists say it's black on yellow. Together they arrest the eye. They command attention. They activate a readiness to respond. According to my reading of the astrological omens, this is the effect you can and should have in the coming weeks. It's time for you to draw the best kind of attention to yourself. You have a right and a duty to galvanize people with the power of your presence. Whether you actually wear yellow clothes with black highlights is optional as long as you cultivate a similar potency.


What new influences will be headed your way in 2014? What fresh resources will you be able to draw on? Would you like some guidance as you figure out how to make best use of those influences and resources? This week, my EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPES will feature Part 2 of my long-range, in-depth explorations of your destiny in 2014. Tune in! Start brainstorming about the adventures that could be in store for you in the coming months.

Register and/or log in through the main page, and then click on the link "Long Range Prediction, Part 2."

(P.S. Part 1 of your Long Range Predictions, which I offered last week, is also still available.)


(January 20- February 18)
I'm guessing that in a metaphorical sense, you've been swallowed by a whale. Now you're biding your time in the beast's belly. Here's my prediction: You will be like the Biblical Jonah, who underwent a more literal version of your experience. The whale eventually expelled him, allowing him to return to his life safe and sound -- and your story will have the same outcome. What should you do in the meantime? Here's the advice that Dan Albergotti gives in his poem "Things to Do in the Belly of the Whale." "Count the ribs," he says. "Look up for blue sky through the spout. Make small fires with the broken hulls of fishing boats. Practice smoke signals. Call old friends. Organize your calendar. Dream of the beach. Review each of your life's ten million choices. Find the evidence of those before you. Listen for the sound of your heart. Be thankful that you are here, swallowed with all hope, where you can rest and wait."


How can you conspire with life to create the best possible future for yourself? What well-informed and ingenious approaches can you use to get the most out of the raw materials you're presented with? This week, my EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPES will feature Part 2 of my long-range, in-depth explorations of your destiny in 2014. Tune in! Start brainstorming about the adventures that could be in store for you in the coming months.

Register and/or log in through the main page, and then click on the link "Long Range Prediction, Part 2."

(P.S. Part 1 of your Long Range Predictions, which I offered last week, is also still available.)


(February 19-March 20)
How do you like your tests? Short, intense, and dramatic? Or leisurely, drawn-out, and low-pressure? Here's another question: Do you prefer to pick out the tests you take, making sure they're good fits for the precise lessons you want to master? Or do you find it more exciting and adventurous to let fate determine what unpredictable tests get sent your way? Ruminate about these matters, Pisces. You're due for a nice big test sometime soon, and it's in your interest to help shape and define how everything unfolds.


As you dive in to 2014, would you like to clarify your purpose? Are there fantasies playing at the back of your mind that you'd like to bring fully into your awareness? This week, my EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPES will feature Part 2 of my long-range, in-depth explorations of your destiny in 2014. Tune in! Start brainstorming about the adventures that could be in store for you in the coming months.

Register and/or log in through the main page, and then click on the link "Long Range Prediction, Part 2."

(P.S. Part 1 of your Long Range Predictions, which I offered last week, is also still available.)

© Rob Brezsny 1995-2025